This is a topic that has been going on and on especially here in Africa. According to our religious leader its better to abstain from sex before marriage.

Sexual abstinence is the practice of refraining from some or all aspects of sexual activity for medical, psychological, legal, social, financial, philosophical, moral, or religious reasons.

Well there are two ways to it. Abstinence from sex could be positive or negative at the same time, lets talk about the positive parts of sexual abstinence based on religion, it is wrong to have sex with someone that you not married too as it is considered a sin to God. In the religious aspect its considered "Fornication".

Sexual abstinence can keep you from getting pregnant and protect you from STDs and all sort.

What about the negative parts of sexual abstinence, I mean if dating a guy or a girl you'll want to know more about the person especially if the person is sexually sound. For instance as a girl after abstaining from sex for so long and you eventually decide to marry him, after all that on the night when you decide to wanna have that which you've waited long for then you discover he is all about bad sex and short timing or worse he is not active at all (impotency) or too small of a size, that's gonna last for ever considering the fact its marriage.\

Sex is not all about a relationship and sometimes its not important to some people to have sex at all but there are other sexual things apart from sex that you and your partner can engage in, it all depends on discipline I guess.

Abstaining from sex is good and at the same time quite negative what's your thought on that? 


  1. Well,I agree a bit tho, but if one abstains and wait for God to let him reveal their partner. I don't think God is gonna disappoint on those areas.

  2. Abstinence from sex before marriage can also help both partners build trust in a way. And about the small size part that one is till the day they die. I agree and I disagree.


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