Why are Ladies Complicated?

Hey, I am Boldgold and I like to write without following a laid down procedure,I create my own style...that kinda thing. Now, to the reason why I'm writing this particular post. It's not a new rhetorical question, we hear it almost everyday. Even ladies admit to it. A lady would say,"We ladies are complicated", A man would ask, "Why are ladies so complicated?" Hellooooo!!! Please, let's take a chill pill and analyze things. Ladies are complicated because we have mood swings, We are complicated when we like a gift today and you buy the same gift tomorrow and we don't like it anymore.We are complicated because what one lady loves doesn't work for the other and you still contrast yourself by saying all ladies are the same. Lol!!! Can you see the sharp contrast people?

Have you ever stopped to find out why your babe is having a mood swing? It's scientifically proven that ladies have more endurance than a man. Look, this is not about ladies been better than men,hell no! The both sexes compliment each other and that's the natural order. But this is about understanding the female gender better. So back to my gist, ladies have more endurance and that is why they go through menstrual pain every month and still live their lives. That's why they are the ones with hymen. That's why they have to give birth, those are the natural orders. Despite all this pressure and endurance,they still turn out to have the fragility part of them. That's why they have mood swings. Lol, ladies sorry I'm using the word "they" and not "we". I'm a lady too but I'm not a feminist who thinks men and women are equal. I'm only stating facts here so no feminist sentiments. So, back to the gist. All these pressure on ladies weigh us down sometimes even if we don't wanna admit. So sometimes we cry, sometimes we don't wanna talk,sometimes we just wanna be a chatterbox and sometimes we wanna be all cuddled up. We just wanna let out the pressure somehow.

The saying that all ladies are the same is a big fat lie. Just the same way all men are not the same. So, let's stop that illusion. If all ladies are the same,why do some men have more than 5 girlfriends at the same time?  Why do some ladies have more than one boyfriends at a time? Well, let's answer that question in our minds. So, if she's truly your woman, study her and it would be easier to bound. So, don't go complicating things for yourself. If she ain't your woman, you won't just bound but that doesn't make her a difficult lady, it's nature. In life,some ladies are meant to be your friends,some just acquaintances,some girlfriends and the one that fits into your radar can be wife. So quit cussing out ladies that broke your heart,they are not meant for you doesn't mean they are too difficult. These applies to men too.

Ladies can be so sweet and caring if they occupying the right position they ought to occupy in your lives. So please let's stop the why are ladies so complicated thingy and let's focus on accepting this beautiful gender the way they are. In both genders,people say there are the good and the bad people.  It's only good to you if you and the person blend and it's bad to you if your ways are contrasting. So sweeties, find what works for you,dont complicate things because this life is freaking too short for all that stuff.


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